The South American country of Peru, once a thriving nation, has been fighting an internal struggles on various fronts that have altered the trajectory of the country. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, flooding and landslides have caused widespread damage to infrastructure and left families struggling for survival.
A rise in poverty over the past few years has led to life threatening illnesses. Lastly, the influx of refugees from surrounding countries has exposed the region to further challenges.
The search of affordable nutritious food is a primary reason for this exodus as 14% of children under the age of 5 face malnutrition. The South American country of Peru has become a refuge for an estimated 2 million Venezuelans who seek safety and security. Civil unrest, poverty due to sanctions, an unstable government, and illegal mining have increased poverty causing families to seek refuge in neighboring countries.
Know Your Facts:
6.9 million Peruvians now live in poverty;
$105 is the average a family survives on;
87.1% of school-aged children with disabilities are not receiving any sort of education;
Of the 485 hospitals in Peru only 75 have rehabilitation services;
Peru hosts the second largest population of migrants from Venezuela worldwide
To provide humanitarian assistance, Helping Hand USA has begun to further its program and projects in the South America. Recent reconnaissance teams have conducted needs assessments while in Peru. The initial needs to be met are for food provisions; HHRD’s team has purchased nourishing food items locally and made packages for distribution to families in need as well as, gifts for orphaned children.

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